Executive Coaching, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking & More

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Welcome to Simply Amazing Training

Simply Amazing Training Executive Coaching, Management Training, and Presentation Skills Courses are designed to bring out the best in you and your team. With over 15 years of experience and multiple award wins including Overall Winner at the National Business Women’s Awards 2022, our founder Dee Clayton is dedicated to helping business people enhance their performance.

Our Executive Skills Coaching is aimed at senior managers, leaders and directors. We will give you the skills and backing you need to unlock your professional potential, achieve your goals and support your own team to do the same. We will coach you through real-life business issues, helping you to identify areas of improvement as well as business opportunities. We are proud to have been recognised as one of the Top 5 Emerging Executive Coaching Consultancies in the UK in 2023.

Management and communication skills are key to forming good business relationships, whether it’s within your team or with your clients. Our bespoke Management Training will help you improve your communication skills and mindset using a combination of methods and techniques that work for you.

If you are nervous about public speaking or giving presentations, our Presentation Skills Training is designed to help. Our training will help you overcome your ‘public speaking monkeys’, allowing you to improve your speaking skills and deliver presentations more confidently.

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Dee Clayton with Will Grover & Skyler Shah

Presentation Skills Training

Our popular presentation skills training courses help business professionals, sales teams and entrepreneurs learn how to ‘Tame Their Public Speaking Monkeys’ (that cause nerves) so you can speak confidently from the heart and portray a professional message. We provide both one-to-one presentation skills coaching and team presentation skills training sessions to suit all learning styles and budgets, delivered virtually or face to face. And, you may find that having a bespoke 121 experience with your presentation coach can really accelerate and enhance the learning experience which means you get to where you want to be much quicker than in a classroom setting. We have worked with some very big-name clients including Tesco, Netflix, RBS bank, Toyota and Premier Foods to name just a few to deliver training courses so you know you are in good hands with the team at Simply Amazing Training. We have also worked with clients all across the UK (with bases in  Bournemouth, Hertfordshire and Kent), and internationally including Bulgaria, Czech Republic, India, Malaysia, Norway, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sweden, USA and many other locations so your location or time zone is not an issue when booking a training course with us.

Below you will see a selection of our one to one presentation coaching courses which focuses on different elements of delivering your best presentation such as body language, tone of voice, storyboards, structure, mindset and confidence that will change the way you see public speaking and presentations forever!


Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching programme is a one-to-one service aimed at helping executives improve their leadership skills and achieve their full potential. Whether you are looking for a mentor, accountability partner or just a sounding board, we are here to help. Through a series of focused conversations and exercises, we will help you to clarify your goals, identify areas for improvement and develop a plan for growth. Executive coaching covers a wide range of topics, including leadership style, communication skills, time management, strategic thinking, and conflict resolution. We offer both face-to-face and virtual executive coaching programmes.

Bringing out your best

Bringing out your best as a leader

Listen to this podcast with award-winning guest speaker Dee Clayton

Executive Presentation Skills Quiz

Take this executive presentation skills quiz to measure your current level of expertise, and discover what you can do next to improve your presentations to the board.

Take The Quiz
  • Netflix
  • Toyota
  • Kimberly Clark
  • Volkswagen
  • Tesco
  • Premier Foods
  • RBS Bank
  • Danone

Before I worked with Simply Amazing Training, even the thought of presenting made me suffer from panic attacks and made me feel physically unwell. During the mindset mentoring session we uncovered the “monkeys” as Dee calls them, that were causing the issues and I learnt how to turn them into more positive thoughts instead. In another session, I learnt the tricks on the structure and preparing a presentation which gave me lots of practice which was just as well because only a few weeks later I presented at an all company conference … I felt so much better about it than I ever have before – my monkeys were under control.

Credit Controller – Global Manufacturing Company

I must say that making that first contact was a big step for me and I am extremely pleased with the outcome. The course is very well structured and the techniques learnt invaluable in addressing public speaking fears. We developed a good 1:1 relationship quickly. I no longer shy away from opportunities to run meetings and present updates, in fact, I have since done several types of presentations with great success. I have made a big step forward and I feel so much happier and better within myself. I am about to change role and it was my increased confidence gained from this course that gave me the impetus to seek out a different opportunity.

Director – UK Consumer and Corporate bank

After the Pro training, I felt very much happier, more confident and enthusiastic about my presentations. I know how to prepare and structure presentations. I know I can present well because I know how to adapt my message to what the audience wants. I now use less unnecessary hand gestures [and when I do use my hands it is for more meaningful gestures]. I am speaking more slowly and pausing more regularly [hence] less stuttering. I really liked the immediate feedback correcting me instantly.

Richard Lee – Entrepreneur, Reporter at Sky
and Performance Coach

The mindset course on ‘monkey taming’ is brilliant. For the first time, I was able to dedicate time to thinking about the things that were holding me back. The techniques and style make the ‘monkey taming’ process simple and effective, and allowed me to change my mindset.

In the Pro session, we worked on a presentation that I was to deliver at a big industry event – understanding how to get the key messages out, connect with the audience better and ultimately feel more at home ‘on stage’. I was extremely happy with my delivery and received some excellent feedback from the delegates at the conference.

Most presentation courses you come away thinking “that was great” and then forget it all… this one changes you, for the better, forever.

Head of Category – FMCG

Thank you for a brilliant session. I’m actually amazed how much we achieved in one evening. I knew you were good but had no idea you were THAT good! just watched the video again and didn’t cringe once, which is good. In fact I thought I was pretty good. Actually looking forward to practising at work and showing them what I’m made of and more importantly refocusing my efforts on getting what I need out of them to fuel my future plans. Thanks hugely for your coaching. Keep up the good work and one by one you’ll get all the worlds monkeys under control.

Director – Global Financial Services Company

Management Training

Our management virtual and face to face training courses help improve communications between individuals, teams and departments be they internal or external, customers or clients. Here participants can learn how to manage teams more effectively, develop their management skills and have an impactful presence in meetings. We often use Insights Discovery personality profiling tools, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and Motivational Maps in our training.

Published Books

Public Speaking Monkeys are the negative, internal voices that put doubts in our mind about our presenting abilities (“You don’t know what you’re talking about” … “You’re going bright red” …“Your voice sounds squeaky” – those sorts of things). By taming them, you overcome your fears, gain confidence & become a calm speaker who enjoys public speaking.

Want to deliver engaging, persuasive, and confident presentations? Too busy to find the time? Let us help! Use the short quiz in this book to prioritise your presentation weaknesses and focus on those or build on your strengths. Refer to those throughout the book, (or read the book all the way through!) You decide how you want to develop your presentation skills and ‘Bring Out Your Best’.

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